Dependable Cleaners Dorchester Laundromat is Reopening in February!

We are excited to announce that our Laundromat, located at 1141 Dorchester Ave. Dorchester, MA, is reopening in February.

We Go Green at Dependable Cleaners, Part II


It’s important to us that we do our part in maintaining and cultivating a sustainable Earth. We also take pride in supporting the mission of our customers to only use environmentally friendly products and services. In addition to our Earthcare Cleaning Systems, we also ensure we are protecting the environment by recycling and ensuring we aren’t adding to the landfills.

Recycle Cleaning Solutions

We use technologically advanced machines for maintaining and recycling cleaning solutions. These new, more efficient machines use less cleaning solution and less energy. This process ensures great results while leaving your garments smelling fresh and scent-free.

Recycling Hangers and Garment bags

We have developed recycling and reuse programs so customers can easily recycle hangers and plastic garment bags. Customers are provided hanger recycling carriers in order to make recycling as easy as possible.

Help Us Reduce Our Carbon Footprint

One way our customers can help us reduce our carbon footprint is by ensuring that we reuse our garment bags and hangers. This will make it so less plastic and garbage ends up in landfills. You can also try your best to reduce, reuse, and recycle whenever possible. We have noticed that a lot of our customers are investing a little more in high quality fabrics and clothing and that this in turn has led to less bulk clothing purchases. Purchasing less, but better quality is better for your pocket as well as the environment. We applaud your efforts! Thank you for supporting our mission!

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