Dependable Cleaners Dorchester Laundromat is Reopening in February!

We are excited to announce that our Laundromat, located at 1141 Dorchester Ave. Dorchester, MA, is reopening in February.



Preventing Moth Damage


Moth damage typically comes to light during the fall and winter seasons as we start to rotate in garments and household items that have been stored away in closets, basements or attics. Moths are drawn to dark, quiet places and feed off of protein; making storage areas, articles of clothing and upholstered furniture prime living spaces for them to breed.


Tips To Preventing Moth Damage:

– Forget spring cleaning and consider a deep cleaning of all spaces each season. This means vacuuming and dusting all storage areas specifically targeting crevices and baseboards within closet spaces.

– Periodically remove clothing items from shelves and drawers.  Shake & brush off clothing made from wool, furs, feathers, cotton, silk and rayon before re-folding and placing back in its space.

-Dry clean seasonal items BEFORE storing them away.  Moths feed off of protein and even the smallest trace of body oils, perspiration or food protein can lead to breeding and infestation. It is important to note that washing temperatures must be over 120℉ in order to fully disinfect and prevent further infestation, which is why professional dry cleaning is suggested.

-Use wood or archival boxes to store clothing and bedding. Plastic bags and containers can contain moisture resulting in other types of damage to the fabric.

-Pay particular attention to rugs, carpets and upholstered furniture as moth damage is not isolated to clothing only.  You may also want to consider occasionally dry cleaning household items such as linens, tablecloths and bedding.


You can find more information on How To Handle Moth Damage here.  And if you’re getting a head start on your seasonal cleaning and want help preventing potential moth damage drop your seasonal items off at one of our convenient locations today.

Or download the app to schedule your dry cleaning pickup this week.

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